Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kellen's Birth Story

My baby boy was born on September 9th, 2011. It was a scheduled c-section and he was 39 weeks cooked. Looking back, I wish I had waited until at least 40 weeks and will consider that for next time.

We arrived at the hospital super early, but we were still about 25 minutes late. I was having bathroom issues and was super nervous. When we got to the hospital, we waited in the waiting room for about 25 minutes (which made me not feel guilty about being late). Eventually a nurse came through and grabbed us on her way to clock in and worked in the recovery room.

We went back, and did the usual - put on the hospital gown, got the I.V., talked to the doctor. They had me walk down to the hall to the operating room. Just as the anesthesia guy was breaking out his stuff, it hit me that I HAD TO USE THE BATHROOM. I spoke up and was told that I'd have a catheter in which I had to explain that that wasn't the kind of bathroom run I had to make. So I toddled back to the recovery room and used the bathroom. A lot. To where the toilet stopped up. It was SO embarrassing! I let the nurse know, and then went back to the operating room.

They went ahead with the spinal block. It was a little pinchy painful when the shot went in my back but I was numb within a few minutes. Dr. Shin worked to get Kellen out. It took a while, and she explained that there were adhesion's and scar tissue that she had to cut through. The smell of the cauterizer wasn't so great. It felt like an eternity but finally Kellen was out! That first cry was amazing, but it was very gurgly. They had to suction his lungs out, and they said he was very covered with vernix.

It felt again like forever before I saw him. They kept suctioning him, and Dr. Shin took quite a while putting me back together. She said she put in a mesh cover to hopefully prevent my uterus from sticking to my abdominal wall again.

Finally they brought him to me, and he was BEAUTIFUL. Such a gorgeous baby! We went back to the recovery room, and they decided that he needed additional suctioning so someone from the NICU came down to continue that. There was talk of admitting him if he didn't reach certain milestones, but he met them and they were happy he could breathe well.

Meanwhile, Derek had to go use the restroom. He didn't know I had been in there, and he came back and said the toilet was all backed up but he flushed it and it went down. LOL About that time, four maintenance guys strolled in and went to go check it out but turned around and walked right back out. So embarrassing!! Clearly next time we'll be going on a liquid diet the day before. LOL

My baby was perfect, weighing in at 7lbs 1 oz and was 18.5 inches long. We were surprised he was so little, as I had had an ultrasound the week before and they indicated he was around 8 lbs.

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